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Christine Daae

played by:
Emmy Rossum

As of now this Bio (Baced on the movie) will have to do I will fix it later (Baced on the book) 

Christine, the daughter of a violinist, is orphaned and is taken in by the ballet school in the opera house. There she learns the art of singing from the 'Angel of Music' who sings songs in her head as she sleeps. After taking the stage, making herself a star she follows the Phantom into his lair, when she wakes she finds the Phantom and takes off his mask. As he rages at her she cowers, both afraid and mystified by this man, this alluring man. After he kills, she fears him and runs away with Raoul, not knowing that the Phantom knows, he sees, he plots. During the 3 month absence of the Phantom, Christine becomes a star, winning the hearts of the audience and Raoul alike, secretly becoming engaged to him. But the Phantom returns, saying she belongs to him. Fearful and confused Christine runs to her father's grave for support and is once again lured by the Phantom's voice but she is stopped by Raoul, who fights the Phantom, but just before striking the final blow, Christine stops him, she still feels something for her teacher and mentor. She takes her place in the Phantom's opera, when he comes on stage she is fearful but soon swoons to him, agreeing to stay with him, be with him, show him a different world. She calmly takes off his mask, his face does not frighten her, when he takes her to his lair and ensnares Raoul, her feelings of pity dissolve into hate then back into love. She wishes to show him a world he has never seen, but he rejects her in confusion as the mob approaches. Christine leaves with Raoul, only to come back to the Phantom with a token of her affection. We learn at the end that she had lived a long life with Raoul becoming a mother as well.


Masquerade is not affiliated with anyone involved with the film, musical or book "The Phantom of the Opera." This is merely a fan website striving to bring together the "Phantom" fans community. No infringement is intended, please contact me with any questions, comments or concerns.